Project Open Hand: WOKC Wins An Award

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset White Oak Kitchen & Cocktails partnered with Project Open Hand to raise money to nourish thousands of our friends and neighbors who are homebound, disabled, or too sick to prepare their own meals. WOKC was honored to accept the award of Dining Out For Life 2017 Fourth Place Restaurant. A few people from our management team-Chelsea Brooke, Olivia Sellers, and Kimberly Nguyen-attended the DOFL Appreciation Party and accepted the award on behalf of White Oak Kitchen & Cocktails. ASW Award for WOKC The reception was held at American Spirit Works, where participants were able to enjoy tastings from Good Measure Meals Catering and tour the ASW Distillery. xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxProject Open Hand: WOKC Wins An Award   Project Open Hand: WOKC Wins An Award There was also the opportunity to tour the ASW Distillery, where people learned about the machinery, how the whisky is made and packaged, and more! ASW+Distillery+-+Atlanta's+hometown+whiskey+bourbon+craft+distillery+-+Chris+Avedissian+-+Stills+head+on+1200x628